The Department of Energy says it wishes to bring clarity to certain misleading narratives emerging around confidentiality in Guyana’s new Local Content Policy (LCP). In release the Department reminded that the 2020 Local Content Policy does in fact provide several mechanisms for public disclosure. These are as follows- i) to the general public, the extent of adherence of an Operator to the requirement to submit a yearly Local Content Plan complete in all regards, and half-yearly reports; (ii) to the general public, a yearly summary of performance in the form of a Local Content Utilization Report, provided by the Operator to the Minister and (iii) upon request to the Oversight Committee.
The exact provisions for this public disclosure stated in the policy are:

1) Section that “Notwithstanding legal constraints that prevent disclosure of submitted and reported information on local content to parties beyond the Minister, the Minster shall disclose the anticipated contracting and procurement opportunities for Guyanese Suppliers (Group A) in the form of the completed Tables A3 in an Operator’s Local Content Plan and Table B5 in the half-year and end-of-year Local Content Reports (Appendices A and B of the policy document);
2) Section that ”Notwithstanding legal constraints that prevent disclosure of reported information on local content to parties beyond the Minister, the Minister shall on an annual basis, disclose an Operator’s Summary Local Content Utilization Report as completed Table C1 in an Operator’s end-of-year Local Content Report (Appendix C).
3) that “the Local Content Oversight Committee shall have the authority to request from the Ministry to view in confidence the approved Operator’s Local Content Plans, Minister-designated Primary Contractor Local Content sub-Plans and Operator half-year and end-of-year Local Content Report, for the explicit and sole purpose of carrying out its function of policy implementation oversight.”

The extent of disclosure of Local Content Plans and reports is always a sensitive matter, and a balance is needed between total disclosures on the one hand and legitimate confidentialities on the other. This is no different for Guyana. The current policy has had to walk this difficult line.

However, the DE reiterated that Guyana’s 2020 Local Content Policy remains a live document. Stakeholder comments on any aspect of the policy, including levels of disclosure continue to be welcomed by the Department. Whether additional comments are tendered or not, the DE as stated in the document, is committed to continuous revisions as conditions evolve in the sector. The public is invited to view the document for themselves at .


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