The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Representative to Guyana is of the view that Regions 1, 7 and 9 should have never moved into phase 3 of reopening given the marked upsurge in COVID 19 cases Amel Griffith explains
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The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) presented yet another gala Media Awards for Excellence in Health Journalism. Our cameras were there. More from Handell Duncan.
Guyana is not where it would like to be in terms of services being offered in the Public Health Sector, but PAHO/WHO Resident Representative in Guyana, Dr. William Adu-Krow, says that the country has achieved a lot over the past three years. Kristen Macklingam has the details.
While the Health Minister maintains he had no clue about the presence of the Brazilian COVID-19 variant in Guyana, which was publicized by the Pan American Health Organization two weeks ago, former PAHO/WHO country representative, Dr William Adukrow is making it clear that PAHO lacks the authority to make such…