Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shamdeo Persaud reiterated the guidelines that travelers must adhere to upon arrival at either of Guyana’s international airports.
Unless being provided with care from a health official, Dr. Persaud said that arriving passengers should wear their facial masks at all times. Travelers will undergo COVID-19 specific entry screening and will be required to complete a symptom health questionnaire.
Additionally, airlines are required to submit on each arriving flight pertinent documents to the relevant health authority. Documents such as the General Flight Declaration, Immediate report of illnesses during the journey, Full travel history for each individual and full medical log (for passengers and workers) will be submitted. All crew members will be transported to quarantine facilities.
Those with polymerise chain reaction (PCR) test returns negative will be subjected to a seven-day quarantine period, while those whose PCR results are positive will remain in quarantine for a 14-day period.
The Ministry of Public Health continues to remind that a rapid test result is not accepted and only a PCR test result is what would guarantee consideration for travel.
*PCR tests are used to directly detect the presence of an antigen, rather than the presence of the body’s immune response, or antibodies.