A 54-year-old pedal cyclist is now hospitalized and being treated for a serious injury to his ankle after he was struck off his bicycle by a motor lorry (GYY 9636) along the Springlands Public Road, Berbice, late last night (Friday) while he (pedal cyclist) was in the process of passing a stationary vehicle.

The injured man has been identified as Ramnarine Jagai of # 77 Housing Scheme, Corentyne, Berbice.
HGP Nightly News understands that the serious accident occurred around 10:15h and involved the 34-year-old owner of the motor lorry (GYY 9636) is said to hail from Yakusari South, Black Bush Polder, Berbice, and was behind the wheel of his vehicle when the tragedy took place.
According to a police statement, Jagai was pedaling his bicycle in the Northern direction along the Western side of the Springlands Public Road ahead of the motor lorry (GYY 9636) when the accident occurred.
“…as the pedal cyclist approached a motorcar that was parked facing North on the Western side of the said road, the pedal cyclist proceeded in a North-easternly direction to pass the said car. The lorry which was proceeding in the said direction behind the cyclist proceeded to pass both the cyclist and the parked car when the left side tray collided with the pedal cyclist. As a result of the collision the pedal cyclist fell onto the road surface where he received injuries.”
Jagai was picked up in a conscious condition by public-spirited persons and taken to the Skeldon Public Hospital where he was seen and examined by a doctor who treated and referred him to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.
There Jagai underwent another examination and was later admitted in the Male Surgical Ward of that hospital suffering from an open fracture to the right ankle.
“Notice of intended prosecution served. Breath analyzer test conducted which recorded zero readings. The driver is in custody assisting with the investigations.”