The Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) met today, Monday 10th August 2020, at the Party’s Headquarters, Congress Place, Sophia. Party Leader, Brigadier David Granger addressed members of the CEC on the recently concluded General and Regional Elections, the current political situation and the way forward.
In accordance with Section 17 (1) (f) of the Constitution of the People’s National Congress, Mr Joseph Harmon and Ms Simona Broomes were co-opted by the Leader of the Party to serve as members of the Central Executive Committee of the PNCR, with effect from Saturday 1st August 2020. Mr Harmon and Ms Broomes were formally and warmly welcomed to the Executive Committee.
Mr Joseph Harmon who served as Election’s Agent for the APNU+AFC gave a detailed elections update and a summary of Coalitions performance. The Central Executive Committee was also given a brief on pending legal matters by Mr Basil Williams, SC.
The CEC deliberated on matters arising from the Leader’s address and the APNU+AFC performance at the General and Regional Elections.
Two Motions thanking the Party leaders, members, coalition partners, supporters, the Diaspora and donors who worked and gave of their time and their treasure to the Coalition’s 2020 election campaign were passed unanimously.
The meeting was chaired by Chairman of the PNCR, Mrs Volda Lawrence.